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African, Musical Theatre

54.60 Africa

Arcola Theatre, Studio 1, E8 3DL , [Venue Details]

Conceived and directed by Femi Elufowoju jr

14 Jun 2025

Twelve childhood friends dare each other to discover themselves in Africa. Their journeys traverse 54 countries, countless boundaries and endless risks. Lives, history and destinies are rewritten forever.

Exhilarating, cross-cultural pan-African encounters, brought to life through word, live music, song, and dance.

54.60 Africa is inspired by the travels of its author who accomplished visiting every nation in the continent of Africa before his 60th birthday.

54.60 Africa was first developed in partnership with Omnibus Theatre, Hackney Showroom and Bernie Grant Arts Centre with funding from Arts Council England National Lottery Project Grants. It was further developed with the support of the National Theatre’s Generate programme.

“From the moment we entered the space with the ebullient energy of the performers was infectious ... infused with joy but it also gave glimpses of danger and the darker realities of life on the continent. ” – Audience Praise from Previous Staged Readings of 54.60 Africa

“I loved every minute of it.” – Audience Praise from Previous Staged Readings of 54.60 Africa

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  • Admission

    Min: £12.00

    Max: £39.00

  • Event Type: seated

  • Seating: Reserved

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54.60 Africa

Saturday, 14 Jun 2025 @7.30pm

Arcola Theatre, Studio 1, E8 3DL
African Musical Theatre
i Venue Info

More Information

Conceived and directed by Femi Elufowoju jr

Twelve childhood friends dare each other to discover themselves in Africa. Their journeys traverse 54 countries, countless boundaries and endless risks. Lives, history and destinies are rewritten forever.

Exhilarating, cross-cultural pan-African encounters, brought to life through word, live music, song, and dance.

54.60 Africa is inspired by the travels of its author who accomplished visiting every nation in the continent of Africa before his 60th birthday.

54.60 Africa was first developed in partnership with Omnibus Theatre, Hackney Showroom and Bernie Grant Arts Centre with funding from Arts Council England National Lottery Project Grants. It was further developed with the support of the National Theatre’s Generate programme.

“From the moment we entered the space with the ebullient energy of the performers was infectious ... infused with joy but it also gave glimpses of danger and the darker realities of life on the continent. ” – Audience Praise from Previous Staged Readings of 54.60 Africa

“I loved every minute of it.” – Audience Praise from Previous Staged Readings of 54.60 Africa

  • Admission

    Min: £12.00

    Max: £39.00

  • Event Type: seated

  • Seating: Reserved

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